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OFF-KILTER with Rebecca Vallas

Mar 26, 2021

Amid a global pandemic that has killed people of color at dramatically higher rates, and forced so-called 'essential workers'--again, disproportionately people of color--to risk illness and death to keep the a struggling economy churning... the outlook for predominantly white corporate monopolists has never been brighter. According to a new report from Liberation in a Generation, from March - November 2020, 644 U.S. billionaires saw their combined wealth increase by $931 billion (from $2.95 trillion to $3.88 trillion)--a jump of 31.6 percent. All the while, U.S. poverty worsened, and the unemployment rate was hovering at roughly double its pre-pandemic low. Rebecca talks to one of the report's authors, Jeremie Greer--who's also one of Liberation in a Generation's co-founders and co-executive directors--about the case for centering grassroots leaders of color within the anti-monopoly movement, and reimagining the antitrust movement’s work through a racial justice lens.