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OFF-KILTER with Rebecca Vallas

Oct 14, 2022

This week, continuing Off-Kilter’s ongoing series of conversations about the limiting beliefs that we as a collective must release and replace to pave the way for economic liberation, Rebecca sat down with two dear friends and leaders within the disability rights and justice movement to talk about one of the most toxic limiting beliefs underpinning large-scale oppression in the United States today: the notion that a human being’s worth comes from their work. They ended up having a far-ranging conversation about why disability leaders know this is not a moment to be seeking to return to “normal,” who the American dream was and wasn’t designed to include, and some of the key limiting beliefs constraining the modern American philanthropic sector. Rebecca Cokley is the program officer for disability rights at the Ford Foundation, and Keith Jones is president and CEO of Soul Touchin’ Enterprises. 

For more from this week’s guests:

  • Learn more about Keith’s work here
  • Learn more about Cokley’s work as the first U.S. disability rights program officer at the Ford Foundation here
  • Follow Cokley (@rebeccacokley) and Keith (@dasoultoucha) on Twitter
  • And get caught up on the permanent economic recession facing the U.S. disability community in this TCF-CEPR report